The Cemetery serves many area funeral homes and offers a full range of above-ground and below-ground interment options, including Trigard Burial and Cremation Vaults for families choosing either casket or urn placement. View the cemetery slideshow.
- Military veterans and their spouses have the option of placement in a designated veteran's section.
- "Child's Place" is a beautifully designed area reserved for children.
- ForestWalk offers unique landscapes, memorialization, and cremation placement options. View the ForestWalk slideshow.
For a breakdown of our goods and services please see our price lists:
Call 253-931-3028 for complete details.
Mountain View Cemetery is proud to offer you Cemetery Trust Services (PDF). Today's prices are guaranteed against inflation. Benefits include:
- Eases the financial burden for your family.
- Peace of mind and reflects your personal wishes.
- Flexibility, you may revoke, alter, or amend your trust whenever and however you choose.
- Can be made on behalf of another person, such as a dependent, relative or friend.
- All trusts are invested according to state statue in a legally authorized banking institution.
You choose the items you want, options include:
- A burial vault or liner
- Opening and closing of a grave
- Graveside committal preparation
- Memorials and stone setting fees
- Taxes
Property is not eligible, we offer other convenient options for purchasing property.
Full selection of upright and flat granite memorials to choose from: