Kitchen Organics Bucket Promotion
For Residential Customers
Got food waste? Make a pledge to "compost more and waste less" and receive a FREE kitchen organics (food scrap) bucket, a sample of compostable bags, and a spatula. While supplies last.
Food scraps and food-soiled paper make up almost 40% of King County’s Cedar Hills Landfill.
Only toss these items in the yard+food waste cart:
- Food scraps (Examples: banana and orange peels, moldy bread and cheese, and meats and bones).
- Uncoated paper items: (Examples: napkins, paper towels, and pizza boxes).
- Yard waste (Examples: leaves, non-invasive weeds, glowers, and pine cones).
- See your hauler’s guidelines for all acceptable materials.
- Remember to donate edible food to your local food bank to help feed families in need.
By accepting the kitchen organics bucket and compostable bags, you agree to use these materials for collecting acceptable kitchen food scraps and food-soiled paper and placing them into your haulers yard+food waste cart.
Residents must live within the city limits of Auburn and have WM Yard+Food Waste service or practice backyard composting or vermicomposting.

BioBag Sample Envelope - English (PDF)
BioBag Sample Envelope - Other Languages (Spanish, Korean, Russian, Traditional Chinese, Punjabi)
Kitchen bucket style may vary. Available while supplies last.
PICK UP: These items are available for pick up at the Customer Service Utility Billing counter (1 East Main Street, 2nd Floor). Hours: 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM (Monday - Friday).
Questions: Email [email protected] or call 253-931-3038, option #2.
Funding for this project provided by a King County Solid Waste & Recycling Grant.
Watch, Play, Learn
Information for all ages. Check out the PowerPoints, videos, tours, online activities, and games. Learn about waste reduction, recycling, food composting, household hazardous waste, take virtual tours of recycling facilities, and more. Watch for new materials to be added. Engage the whole family!
Waste Reduction & Recycling (WRR)
Yard+Food Waste & Composting
Household Hazardous Waste (HHW)
Fun, Family Activities & Games