1019 28th St. NE
26.63 acres
Brannan Park contains one of Auburn's most heavily used sports complexes. The City sponsors many sports events at Brannan Park. Cascade Middle School users and a variety of organizations, including youth soccer leagues and little league, also use the playing fields extensively. Brannan Park is on a flat, open site, with the Green River forming the park's eastern boundary. There is a loop trail within the park that will eventually connect to the Green River Trail. The remaining sides are bounded by residential housing, which is highly visible from the park.
On October 19, volunteers from the Auburn community and The Auburn Food Bank teamed up with KaBOOM! and Delta Air Lines to build a new playground. Over 250 individuals from community groups, service clubs, businesses, faith-based organizations, scout troops, schools, social service agencies, families and individual citizens joined forces with Delta Air Lines employees and representatives from KaBOOM! to transform the space in just six hours.
Delta Air Lines provided the majority of funding for the playground, allowed their employees to volunteer to help build the playground, and surprised the community with an additional donation of $10,000 to the Auburn Parks, Arts & Recreation Department and $10,000 to the Auburn Food Bank.
Park Features:
- Baseball Complex with lighted fields
- Basketball Court
- Play Structure including toddler and regular swings
- Soccer Fields
- Open Play Fields
- Paved Trail - 0.66 mile
- Skate Park
- Public Art
- Seasonal restrooms
- Picnic Tables
- Barbecue Grills
- Adjacent to Green River and trail along top of levee

Park History
Named after the families of brothers William and Joseph Brannan who homesteaded in the White River Valley in the mid 1800s. William Brannan and his wife were killed during the early Indian wars. Joseph married Sarah Henness in 1857. They purchased the Meeker Farm in Kent in 1858, and finally moved to their donation claim near Auburn in 1868. The park was dedicated in 1966.
Driving Directions
1019 28th St NE
From the North: From Hwy 167, take 15th NW exit. At light take a left onto 15th NW. Go east to Auburn Way North. Turn left at the light at Auburn Way North. Continue north to 28th NE and turn right. Continue east on 28th NE into the Park.
From the South: From Hwy 167, take 15th NW exit. At light take right onto 15th NW. Go east to Auburn Way North. Turn left at the light at Auburn Way North. Continue north to 28th NE and turn right. Continue east on 28th NE into the Park.