The Almost 5K Poker Fun Run & Walk is an in-person fun run perfect for all ages and abilities!
$13 Early Registration Fee on or before July 9, 2025.
$16 Registration Fee from July 10 - August 6, 2025.
Early registration includes a t-shirt and participation medal. Payment must accompany registration.
Sorry, no registrations accepted August 7, 2025.
Register Online (opens November 27, 2024)
$22 On-Site Registration Fee Onsite registrations accepted on Friday, August 8, 2025 beginning at 6:00 PM (includes event T-shirt while supplies last)
The Almost 5K Poker Fun Run & Walk is an easy run around Les Gove Park. This fun run will utilize the big loop at Les Gove Park. Five loops around is “almost” a 5K (short of a 5K by 1,138 feet). For each lap around the loop, participants will stop, choose a card, and try to get the best poker hand with the five cards drawn.
Almost 5K Poker Fun Run & Walk Route Map (PDF)
- The route will be open from 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM
- Participants must draw 5 cards total, one upon completion of each large loop at Les Gove Park, to create their final poker hand
- Strollers are welcome on the course (please note, children not pushed in a stroller must be a paying participant in the race).
- Awards will be distributed to the top 8 poker hands
- Awards will be announced the following Monday via email and social media
- Parking information and more details will be emailed to participants the week of the event.
- Participants should not attend the event if they feel sick, or believe they may have been exposed to COVID-19. Should this be the case, you can make arrangements to pick-up your packet at a later time.
Friday, August 8 Schedule:
- 6:00 PM - on-site participant check in opens
- 7:00 PM - Poker Run begins
- 8:30 PM - Poker Run closes
Interested in Sponsoring?
For questions contact Amanda Valdez 253-931-3043