The Senior Center offers several support services through networks with other organizations that serve as a valuable resources to seniors in the community.
Resource Navigation
Auburn Senior Activity Center offers Resource Navigation services through Auburn Senior Resources, which is funded by the King County Veterans Seniors Human Services Levy (VSHSL).

Auburn Senior Resources staff assist seniors and veterans in connecting to resources and services to improve their quality of life and address any barriers to accessing assistance. We can help connect you with resources such as housing, financial assistance, access to food, transportation, and home care. Additionally, we offer short-term mental health counseling.
Program Eligibility:
- Seniors who are 55+
- Veterans of any age or family members of veteran
- Reside in Auburn, Pacific, Algona or unincorporated King County
We can meet with you one-on-one by appointment only. Please contact Auburn Senior Resources at 253-470-2098 or [email protected] for more information or to schedule an appointment.
Please share our brochure (PDF) with anyone who may benefit from the program.
Statewide Health Insurance Benefits Act and Estate Information
Need coverage info for:
- Medicare
- Medigap (Medicare supplement)
- Medicaid
- Long Term Care
- Group Insurance
Senior Rights Assistance
- Wills
- Powers of Attorney
- Living Trusts
- Probate
- Community property agreements
Trained volunteers with SHIBA (Statewide Health Insurance Benefits Act) and Senior Rights Assistance are not lawyers and cannot give legal advice, but can provide you with guidance and information. The SHIBA volunteer is at the Senior Center once a month. Call the Senior Center at 253-931-3016 for an appointment.
Hyde Shuttles
Hyde Shuttles provide free door-to-door neighborhood van service for seniors age 55 and older and people with disabilities living in Auburn. Drivers take you anywhere within the city limits including to the store, a friend’s house, the senior center, library or to medical appointments. Sign up by phone, no forms to fill out, lift-equipped vehicles, call up to 30 days in advance, donations welcome. Call 206-727-6262 to make your reservation.
Volunteer Transportation
Qualified volunteer drivers provide rides to medical appointments and other essential services for seniors. To qualify for transportation, you need to be 60 years or older, a King County resident and have no other transportation options available. For information, call Volunteer Transportation for Seniors, 206-448-5740 between 8:00 AM-5:00 PM.
Energy Assistance Program
Energy assistance programs may be able to help you pay for electricity, gas, propane, wood, or oil. Two programs may be able to help low income seniors with their heating bills: LIHEAP (Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program) and HELP (Puget Sound Energy's Assistance Program). Call 1-800-348-7144 for an appointment and/or income guidelines.
City of Auburn Home Repair
City of Auburn offers grants for minor and emergency home repairs including: plumbing, electrical, roofs, disabled access, furnace service, and other repairs. Applicants eligible for a Housing Repair Grant must reside within the city limits of Auburn and meet the HUD income guidelines. The housing unit must be owner occupied. For more information or to request an application, please contact the City of Auburn's Community Programs Coordinator at 253-931-3099.
Basic Cable Service Discount
As part of its cable franchise with Comcast, the City of Auburn negotiated a discount on basic cable service for eligible subscribers. Please visit the Utilities page to view the criteria and fill out the application.
Cyber Security Guides
Printable digital literacy guides to keep seniors safe online.