Postmark Center for the Arts | 20 Auburn Ave
First Wednesday of Each Month | 6:30PM - 8:30PM
Poetry nights are returning to Auburn! The City of Auburn is hosting a poetry reading series on the first Wednesday of each month at Auburn's new Postmark Center for the Arts on Auburn Avenue. Our poetry readings will start at 6:30 PM, followed by an open mic from 7:00-8:00PM. See below for our featured readers, we hope you can join us at the Postmark - bring a poem for the open mic!
2024 Poetry Night Schedule
January 3rd: Jim Teeters
February 7th: Mateo Acuña (Poet Laureate 2024-2026)
March 6th: Abby E. Murray
April 3rd: Patrick Dixon
May 1st: Susan Landgraf
June 5th: Joseph G. Sissón
July 3rd: A Western Washington Poets Network Anthology
August 7th: Mateo Acuña (Poet Laureate 2024-2026)
September 4th: Michael Dylan Welch
October 2nd: Coming soon....
November 6th: Coming soon....
December 4th: Coming soon....